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Time of day…as opposed to most photography, where mornings and later, early evenings provide the “ best “ light, underwater photography is best done, if possible, when the sun is at it’s highest. This is because, as you go deeper underwater, light falls off dramatically, creating darker/blu-ish photos. And, even though flash does help to give a better illuminated subject matter, backscatter (the illumination of plankton and other microscopic life forms) must also be kept in mind. When the sun is at it’s highest, greater light “ penetration “ occurs.

Water droplets on the Front Port…To prevent this from happening, take a slice of an orange, and “ smear “ it on the FRONT of the Optical Port of the ewa housing. The acid found in the orange juice creates a barrier between the glass and the water, and prevents water droplets from forming. This technique is great when you want a shot with the camera/lens in and out of the water…..a great effect

Use of CD-5 Moisture Munchers….It is ALWAYS advisable to put in 2 to 3 packs of desiccant ( silica gel ) in with your camera. This is because you are creating a humid environment, especially when you take your camera/housing from above the water to "down below", where the temperature can change 10/15/ or even 20 degrees, depending on location. We highly recommend the use of our CD-5 Moisture Munchers.

Lenses…Obviously, as light decreases as you descend, you will want as much light gathering ability as possible from your camera. Use of a wide angle lens greatly adds to this light gathering ability. Many ewa DSLR housings have models with a maximum filter diameter of 82mm. (see ewa-marine selection chart… )

Distance…The refraction of light passing from water through your goggles into the air causes you to see objects closer to you than what they really are by a factor of 3:4. In other words, an object that seems to be 3m away is in fact about 4m away from you. The same applies to your DSLR or camcorder. It is recommended that you ( unless you are looking for a more “ panoramic “ photo ) get as close as permitted to your subject matter.

Maintenance…To keep your housing in perfect shape, not much really needs to be done. If you are going to be using the housing a few days in a row, at the end of each day, remove the closure rail and simply wipe the inside of the housing dry with a soft cloth. If possible, leave the housing open overnight to allow air to circulate inside of the housing. To store the housing when not in use, we suggest a soft dry cloth be put on the inside. Reattach the closure rail but do not tighten the locking knobs completely. This will allow air to circulate inside of the housing. To clean, if necessary, use a mild, non detergent cleaner inside of the housing carefully, and allow to dry completely before using again. For the front Glass Port, use any streak-free glass cleaner and an optical cloth. Again, allow to dry completely before use.

Closure Rail…The specially designed, contoured closure rail is meant to completely and securely keep any moisture from entering the housing. NEVER use any silicon, or any other lubricant/sealant to try to aid in the prevention of moisture from entering the housing.

Contact us: 631-242-6801


Importer and distributor of professional photographic products

R.T.S. Inc.

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